搜索 维森特·希尔

  • 孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒HD
    Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds.
  • 孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒HD
    Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds.
  • 这部来自西班牙的15分钟短片,在今年的戛纳电影节上大放异彩。据说短片放映完后,全场笑声、掌声、欢呼声热烈,让其它入围短片瞬间黯然失色。最后,它也名正言顺地拿下了戛纳电影节短片金棕榈奖。前段时间,中国著名导演贾樟柯创建了一个「全球电影短片中国首映平台」——“柯首映”。就将《时间代码》作为平台正式推送的第一部短片作品。<…
  • 篮球冠军国语HD
    马尔科(哈维尔·古铁雷斯 Javier Gutiérrez 饰)是西班牙职业篮球甲级联赛中的第二教练,个性向来傲慢无礼的他,因为和球队的第一教练之间爆发了激烈的争吵而惨遭球队解雇。之后,靠喝酒来抒发心中郁闷情绪的马尔科驾车撞倒了一辆警车,并且最终成功的将自己弄进了警察局。  法官给了马尔科两个选择,要么坐牢两年,要么去社区服务一个半月…