搜索 维琪·奈特

  • 小时候,一场大火在Franky的身心上烙下了深深地印记。15年来,她一直在努力找寻证据将犯人绳之以法,同时伺机报复。她在当年挽救了她生命的医院里做起了护士,在那里,她遇到了个性强烈的Florence,并与之坠入爱河。面对自己专横的家庭,Franky选择逃离达格纳姆这个工人阶级小镇,转而投奔Florence和她的继亲家庭以寻求避风港。但是,她并没有因…
  • 污秽之神HD
    Jade is a young mother in the prime of her life when an acid attack leaves her severely burned. While her face has been reconstructed, her beauty is lost beneath the scars. Descending a self-destructive path with relationships crumbling, Jade must take drastic action to reclaim her life.